Process solutions from a single source.

Proven components from our own development

What are you looking for in a component and process solution provider? Experience? Reliability? A proven track record?

VON ARDENNE equipment is used in over 50 countries. We have installed hundreds of coating systems worldwide, from small research systems to systems for large-scale coating applications.

Our goal is to create value for you by sharing our industry-leading technology and process experience. We aim to achieve this by offering state-of-the-art hardware solutions with outstanding performance data and high reliability.

In addition, we offer advanced process control hardware and software solutions to control processes of single sources or complex layer stacks.

Would you like to know more? Then click on the individual components or contact us directly.

Assembly & quality control

at our premises

Simulation & Modeling

using different methods

Worldwide Network

for integration, service, support & training

Magnetron Sputtering: How It Began and How VON ARDENNE Became a Technology Pioneer

What is extremely thin, almost invisible and transforms a piece of glass into a touch screen surface that is easy to clean? Or into a windshield that…

Digital Solutions for Resource Efficiency in Glass Coating

The recent discussion about climate neutrality and shifting the energy industry towards it is focusing on the development of renewable energy sources.…

How Proven Plasma Components Help Reduce Costs & Improve Quality

A Chinese proverb says "一根筷子容易折, 一把筷子难折断’", meaning ‘one chopstick can be easily broken while a bundle of chopsticks cannot’. If you apply this…

17.03.2025 - 19.03.2025
GeMiC Dresden 2025

TUD Dresden University of Technology

31.03.2025 - 04.04.2025
Hannovermesse 2025

Hanover, Germany

Exhibition Center Hanover


08.04.2025 - 10.04.2025
MRO Americas 2025

Atlanta, GA, USA

Georgia World Congress Center

Booth 2260

23.04.2025 - 25.04.2025
TiExpo 2025

Baoji, China

International Conference & Exhibition Center


07.05.2025 - 09.05.2025
Intersolar Europe 2025

Munich, Germany

Exhibition Center Munich



SALES Contact

Am Hahnweg 8
01328 Dresden
