Large-Area Optics
Be­schich­tungs­anlagen für Tele­skop-Spiegel & große Aperturen

Are you look­ing for coat­ing so­lu­tions for large op­ti­cal sur­faces with ex­treme­ly high re­quire­ments for ap­pli­ca­tions such as as­tro­no­mi­cal re­flect­ing tele­scopes?

Our mag­ne­tron sput­ter­ing tech­nol­o­gy of­fers you the pre­ci­sion you need.

In pro­fes­sion­al tele­scope con­struc­tion to­day, sin­gle mir­rors with a di­am­e­ter of more than eight me­ters are used. Be­fore coat­ing, these mir­ror op­tics are pol­ished to an ac­cu­ra­cy of 20 nan­o­me­ters. The sub­se­quent de­po­si­tion of high­ly re­flect­ive alu­min­um, gold, or sil­ver lay­ers must not wors­en this de­vi­a­tion from the ide­al par­a­bol­ic or hy­per­bol­ic shape of the mir­ror. This means that it must al­so be coat­ed with an ac­cu­ra­cy of a few nan­o­me­ters.

We at VON ARDENNE have built up the tech­nol­o­gy and en­gi­neer­ing ex­per­tise re­quired here over dec­ades. As a re­sult, we pro­vide large-ar­ea and spe­cial coat­ing sys­tems pre­cise­ly for this pur­pose.

Would you like to learn more? Then click on the individual products below or contact us directly.

Highest reflectivity & enhanced durability

through magnetron sputtering technology for metallic layers with protective coating

Contour-compliant deposition precision

 thanks to dynamic process control

Coating of large aperture surfaces

through customized special designs

Hochreflektive Beschichtungen

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GPD Finnland 2025

Tampere, Finland


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Semicon West 2025

Phoenix, AZ, USA

Phoenix Convention Center

Booth 6180

24.11.2025 - 27.11.2025
WIDOFA Dubai 2025

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre

German Pavillon
